From Metal Dogs to Psychedelic Frogs: Outside Art, Sculpture Edition

sculpture of wooden man sitting on retaining wall
You’d be happy too if you had love in your heart and paint in your hair. Outside art on Mt. Oliver

Relaxing in the sun is a curious figure. Large enough to be an elementary-aged child, the wooden man has a goofy grin, bespectacled eyes, and a red nose. “Dressed” in a patchwork of crazy patterns and colors, he’s very much in tune with the paint-splattered retaining wall he rests upon.

As decoration or mascot for Johno’s Art Studio, Mt. Oliver, the little fellow could be considered anything from advertising shill (if you’re that cynical) to neighborhood character—at least, hopefully people look forward to seeing the little guy as they crest the hilltop. Regardless, he’s an objet d’art that Johno put out for all to see and enjoy.

hanging sculpture of painted messages on wood scraps left in alley
Life advice from P. Miller, Strip District

The art is public, but it’s not public art. It’s on private property—presumably sponsored by the land-owner—but very purposefully there for everyone to see. While the placement is external to a private residence (or business, like Johno’s), this isn’t what people mean when they talk about outsider art.

Outside Art, the term coined by The Portland Orbit, exists in the liminal space between these worlds as a sort-of aesthetic alternative to flag-waving and yard sign messaging. Sure, you could have a perfect green blanket with a killer array of azaleas, but what if you own a six-foot abstract statue with a human head and hand holding a golden bird? Put it out front, man—let the world enjoy that marvelous creation!

abstract sculpture with human head in residential front yard
The head’s doing all right, but the body could use some work, Reserve Township
ceramic sculpture with three human heads outside row house front doors
Triple-header, Polish Hill
sculpture of chicken made from scrap metal
Red rooster, Polish Hill
artwork of disembodied arm and hand
Fingers crossed, Uptown
toy horse and aquarium decoration left on sidewalk
Still life with horse and aquarium cottage, Lawrenceville

Welcome to Frogtown

large sculpture of lizard with colorful scales in residential front yard
The psychedelic lizard of Frogtown, Stanton Heights
metal sculpture of multi-color frog in residential front yard
Coat-of-many-colors frog, Stanton Heights
large sculpture of frog in front yard of home
Frog in the grass, Stanton Heights
sculpture of knight chess piece in the residential front yard
Day for knight, Stanton Heights

Metal Machine Muzak

large sculpture of musician with string bass
Bass player (in a metal band?), Hill District
small statue of dog made from scrap metal
Beware of Rusty the dog, Sharpsburg
abstract sculpture in front of house
Popular mechanics, Hill District
metal sculpture made from scrap metal in front of house
Dog person with owl buddy, North Oakland
large metal sculpture of person with hat
Steel the one, Hill District
former rocking horse lifted high on a pole
The ol’ horse-on-a-pole, Spring Garden

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